Saturday, June 25, 2016

NOW: Vladimir Putin slams David Cameron over EU referendum

Vladimir Putin has condemned David Cameron for claims that he backed Brexit - and has seemingly taken delight in the Prime Minister's EU referendum defeat.
Mr Cameron said last month that he thought the Russian president "would be happy" if Brexit happened and the EU was weakened.
Mr Putin has responded by launching two separate attacks on Mr Cameron.
"Statements by the UK Prime Minister, Mr Cameron before this plebiscite where he stated Russia's position, have no basis and never did," he said on Saturday.
"I believe that this is nothing more than a flawed attempt to influence the public opinion in his own country.
"As we see, it didn't even have the desired... result.'
"I have already said that we never interfered, never spoke about this, and acted in my opinion very properly.
"And of course we closely followed what was going on, but did not affect this process and did not even attempt to do so."
The Kremlin has said it hopes for an improved "understanding" with post-Brexit Britain, but played down suggestions that the result of Thursday's referendum would benefit Russian foreign policy.
"We hope that in the new reality an understanding of the necessity of building good relations with our country will prevail," Dmitry Peskov, Mr Putin's press secretary, said.
Mr Putin met the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, on Saturday. The two leaders promised ever-closer cooperation and oversaw a series of deals in the face of growing tensions with the West.

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