Saturday, June 25, 2016

More than 2 million people sign petition demanding second EU referendum

A petition on the parliament website calling for a rerun of the EU referendum has gathered more than 1.5 million signatures in less than 24 hours.
At the present rate of progress by the middle of next week  the campaign could overtake the 2007 Downing Street petition urging the Government to abandon plans for pay as you go road pricing which attracted 1.8 million signatures.
Such was the demand to sign the petition that the website crashed as a second petition, urging Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor, to declare the capital’s independence topped 100,000 signatures.
On Thursday 51.9 percent of votes were cast to leave the EU, versus 48.1 percent for remaining part of the bloc. However, the narrow win masked regional discrepancies which saw majorities in favour of remaining in the EU among voters in Scotland, Northern Ireland and London.

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