Sunday, December 13, 2015

Unbelievable: Here’s the REAL reason Xtian refugees aren’t being admitted to the US ""

It’s no secret the refugee problem is rife with national security concerns. Obama’s plan to allow in nearly 10,000 Syrian refugees without any way to vet them should at least be a cause of concern – especially so considering one of the Paris attackers was accepted into Germany as a fake refugee.
Many proposed allowing only Christian refugees to eliminate the possibility of a terrorist slipping through the cracks.But…the Obama administration appears to think the opposite strategy is appropriate.
To quote The Hill:
America is about to accept 9000 Syrian Muslims, refugees of the brutal war between the Assad regime and its Sunni opposition, which includes ISIS, Al Qaeda, and various other militias. That number is predicted to increase each year. There are no Christian refugees that will be admitted.
Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee

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