When you leave the car outside, you always close the windows. However, even if parked in a nice
 shade, it can accumulate 400-800 mg of benzene. But in case you leave it in the sun, in a temperature
 higher than 16 degrees Celsius, the level of benzene can reach 2000-4000 mg, which is 40 times more
 than the permitted level
When sitting in a car with closed windows, you inhale the benzene, but you are not aware that this toxin
 has harmful effects on the bone tissue, the liver and the kidneys. Moreover, you’re your organism needs
 a lot of efforts and time to get rid of it.
Medical research showed that the air conditioner in your car ejects all the heated air out before it starts
 to cool the air inside it. Benzene, the toxin which can cause cancer, is ejected together with the heated
Consequently, you need to develop a new habit when you enter your car, in order to protect your
 organism from toxins, because the consequences can be extremely tragic. Namely, when you sit in
 your car, open the windows for a few minutes even if you do not feel the smell of a heated plastic,
and then turn on the A/C. In addition, when you turn on the car, leave the windows open for a few
more minutes. Courtesy: http://www.addictedtocars.net/hqdefault