Tuesday, November 17, 2015

BREAKING: Paris Muslim Terrorist Found ALIVE In The ‘Jihadi Capital of Europe’

BREAKING: Paris Muslim Terrorist Found ALIVE In The ‘Jihadi Capital of Europe’  

Paris terrorist fugitive Salah Abdeslam – dubbed the world’s most wanted man – is believed to have been taken alive by Belgian police in a raid on a safehouse in a suburb known as the ‘jihadi capital of Europe’.
Dozens of heavily-armed police and special forces rushed a flat in Molenbeek, Brussels, as they hunted for the 26-year-old – one of three ‘blood brothers’ believed to be at the heart of French massacres where 129 people died on Friday.
In a scene similar to the famous Iranian embassy siege in London in 1980, special forces clambered across the roof and were seen firing tear gas through a Velux-style window to flush out a suspect who later came out on to a balcony with his arms up.
On the street below huge numbers of police in balaclavas carrying machine guns surrounded the top floor flat and witnesses heard several bangs and small explosions during the two-hour armed stand-off. The Molenbeek mayor said today the siege ended with without any injuries.
A hooded man was handcuffed and put in a car by plain-clothes police – the Belgian media claimed this man was Salah Abdeslam but the authorities have not confirmed this.
Abdelsam has been the subject of a vast international manhunt but incredibly he was stopped and then released by French police guarding the Belgian border hours after the attacks.
It appears the terror suspect, believed to be a getaway driver and potential shooter, went into hiding in Molenbeek, where the eight-strong ISIS terror cell may have met before the Paris raids to gather automatic weapons and suicide vests.
Read more: Daily Mail

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