Thursday, July 7, 2016

FIFA Appeal Committee reduces Jerome Valcke ban to 10 years

FIFA said it has reduced the bans imposed on two senior officials, including a former Secretary-General,  barred from participating in football-related activities following a corruption investigation.
Former secretary-general Jerome Valcke was handed a 12-year ban, while another official, Chung Mong-joon, was given a six-year ban in a corruption scandal at the heart of FIFA.
The scandal led to indictment of several senior FIFA officials, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.
Valcke, who was right-hand man to ex- FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, was found guilty of several misconducts.
They included misconduct over sale of World Cup tickets, abuse of travel expenses, attempting to sell TV rights below their market value and destruction of evidence.
He and Chung, a former FIFA vice-president, were excluded from football after they were found guilty of breaching FIFA code of conduct.
FIFA’s Appeal Committee on Tuesday mainly confirmed the decisions taken by the body’s Ethics Committee but said it had cut Valcke’s ban from 12 to 10 years because of “mitigating factors.”
It said the ethics committee’s adjudicatory chamber had not sufficiently considered mitigating factors when assessing the Frenchman’s attempt to grant TV and media rights in the Caribbean

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